Thursday, June 11, 2009

Calories in Fruits

Fruits are deemed, as a perfect source for providing our body with all the necessary nutrients. When we compare people, who have generous intake of fruits to those, who have little or almost no intake in their diet, the former are found to have a reduced risk of chronic diseases, including stroke and other cardiovascular diseases as well as certain cancers. A healthy diet is always inclusive of lots of fruits because it provides essential vitamins, minerals and fiber required for the daily mechanism of the body. Fresh fruits are rich in water content and thus, prove to be very helpful and beneficial for the human body.

Often, an all-fruit diet is cited to be a perfect option for those who are looking forwards to reduce some weight. This is because consumption of fruits causes reduced appetite, thereby enhancing weight loss. Another effective benefit of fruits is that you feel fuller and thus are less likely to overeat in the next meal or munch on unhealthy snacks. Also, given to the fact that there are numerous types and flavors of fruit available, you can add different types to your diet schedule. Read the table given below, to know more about the calorie content present in each fruit.

Fruits (100 grams) Calorie Content
Apple 56
Avocado Pear 190
Banana 95
Chickoo 94
Cherries 70
Dates 281
Grapes Black 45
Guava 66
Kiwi Fruit 45
Guava 49
Lychies 61
Mangoes 70
Orange 53
Orange juice (100 ml) 47
Papaya 32
Peach 50
Pears 51
Pineapple 46
Plums 56
Strawberries 77
Watermelon 26
Pomegranate 77
Watermelon 16


  1. And don't forget the non-sweet fruits, like tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers. They're all high in fiber, low in calories, and delicious in salads.

  2. Thanks for your advice. We appreciate your knowledge.
